Thursday, December 9, 2010

choise sheets

 think i would want to get in and join yearbook because it seems cool and fun. I am interested by it because you get to design the year book and decided what goes in and on it. It would be fun to work on the school year book and design a part and see what people think about it. Yearbook just seems like a fun and good class i would want to get into.I would like to join yearbook, because it can remind the students of when they where in a year younger, and by being in yearbook  i could take pictures and making them into memories that everyone can remember.

final exam review

1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder.
you click the server drives on the desktop and move it to my computer in you drive.
2 on we post our blogs and that also where we do our work.
3 you take a oaltmeal box and cut a hole on the top and bottom then you cover it inside all black with black paper. then you cut in the side of the box and put foyol and make a little hole then you make a flap and you done.
4 you go to the dark room and put the paper inside of the pinhole camera .
5a Imagine that your image is divided into nine equal segments by two vertical and two horizontal lines.
5b Balancing Elements Placing your main subject off-centre, as with the rule of thirds, creates a more interesting photo, but it can leave a void in the scene which can make it feel empty.
5c Leading Lines When we look at a photo our eye is naturally drawn along lines. By thinking about how you place lines in your composition, you can affect the way we view the image, pulling us into the picture, towards the subject, or on a journey 'through' the scene.
5d Symmetry and Patterns
We are surrounded by symmetry and patterns, both natural and man-made., They can make for very eye-catching compositions, particularly in situations where they are not expected. Another great way to use them is to break the symmetry or pattern in some way, introducing tension and a focal point to the scene.
5e Viewpoint
Our viewpoint has a massive impact on the composition of our photo, and as a result it can greatly affect the message that the shot conveys. Rather than just shooting from eye level, consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.
5f Background/simplicity  look around for a plain and unobtrusive background and compose your shot so that it doesn't distract or detract from the subject.
5g Create depth You can create depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle ground and background.
5h  Framing The world is full of objects which make perfect natural frames, such as trees, archways and holes.
5i Cropping By cropping tight around the subject you eliminate the background 'noise', ensuring the subject gets the viewer's undivided attention.
5j Mergers and avoiding them basicly avoided objects in the picture.
6 it make the picture more interesting and action that what its does.
7 action and emotion plus the background tell the story in the picture.
8 Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms.Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance.
10 strong action verb help alot because  then it does not sound boring and lame strong word or verb help.
11 that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong."
"Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs."
"Being ethical is doing what the law requires."
"Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts."
12 portait is  a picture of an object of some one else self portrait is a portrait of them self.
13 newpaper tell the new of the day and yearbook tell what happen that year.and about student.
 1an aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels
 2Shutter a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or a light-sensitive electronic sensor to light to capture a permanent image of a scene
3 Exposure an activity designed to rouse public interest
4 f stop
In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, f-stop, or relative aperture[1]) of an optical system expresses the diameter of the entrance pupil in terms of the focal length of the lens; in simpler terms, the f-number is the focal length divided by the "effective" aperture diameter. It is a dimensionless number that is a quantitative measure of lens speed, an important concept in photography.
5  Single lens reflex A single-lens reflex (SLR) camera is a camera that typically uses a semi-automatic moving mirror system that permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system (after a very small delay), as opposed to pre-SLR cameras where the view through the viewfinder could be significantly different from what was captured on film.
6 Negative noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.
7 positive denoting a print or transparency showing the brightness values as they are in the subject.
8 Contact sheet the photographic image that you put you image on from the roll on fill and turns to a negative
9. Agitation- Not shaking but flipping over consistently the container with your roll of film
10. Enlarger- to make something larger.
11. Stop bath- An acidic liquid that stops the developer on your contact sheet.
12. Fixer- Removes grain from the photo and the final chemical you bathe your image in the dark room.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Abandoned theme parks

Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan
Although the pictures of Takakanonuma Greenland are ridiculously cool, not much info is out there about the park itself. Located in the hills of Fukushima, the park was built in 1973 and closed a few years after it opened. Although local folklore says the park shut down after multiple casualties and became haunted, it most likely was closed because the park wasn’t profitable in its first years.

I want to go to Ireland ,eygpt , england , germany, napal.
this is a picture of Ireland

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

portraits and self portraits- start looking.

Professional photo I like this picture because it reminds me of the 70s of just loving music and peace to the world  with the flowers all around him and feeling the wind going throw his face and the sun sining in his face just feeling peaefull.

This picture is a great picture because she is wearing a dress of self portraits of her self . Not only that but she looks good and I like how every picture is a picture of her in different situations in her life.I also like how she is posing like a statue.

print evaluation my first print.

1 In this picture whats focus more would be his hair and his face.

a focus is when you put more atention in a spot of the picture.

b I think its called unfocus Iam not shore but i think thats what its called.

2 yes as you can see the picture is great and you can see the detail in the hair and he is doing his work and this is all showing good contrast.

3 yes and no . I dont know if the picture is candid. yes the subject fills the frame and also contains action he is doing this work.Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"? the answer is yes for both.

A well the techniques I used would be focus thats something I used alot for me its great because when ever I take a picture it shows alot of detail.

4 no none what so ever.

5 no  none what so ever.

6 yes every thing is in my folder.

What are they doing?

they are working on class work and he is loving it

Where are they
in world history.

When is this happening?
this is happing doring 1 period.

Why are they doing this?
I think they are doing this because its a grade.

1st sentence

Angel is working  and doing class work . he is doing this during 1period. the reason is because its a grade.

2nd sentence

Angel was working on class work and  he was working right next to the teachers desk.
As you can see he is doing his work but also is laughing  in this situation when I was taking a picture of him.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

1 Face made more symmetrical, eyes expanded, More narrow chin, eyes lowered, acne/skin imperfections made smooth.
2No it isn't acceptable

3 If they were to manipulate a political figure to make them appear differently

4 Cropping, Scenarios and Comparisons

5 Fashion Photography would be to get shots of a 'model' figure for how people should look. Photojournalism is capturing shots of events, or certain things.
6 Photojournalism captures real things, which keeps the standard in ethical practice. Fashion photography is used to catch the eye of casual people in order to support their product.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Negatives evaluation

1 mostly all of them but one did not come out as well as the others.

2 just one did no come out good I think it did not come out as well as i thought it would i didn't take my time on that picture that why its blurry.

3 number 5 because the picture is simple and has great focus on the student its one of the best pictures out all of them.

4 focus is what I used the most  and it does help most of my pictures are focus because you can see what they are doing and you can see the detail in the picture.

5 the techniques that I used on my pictures where the rule of thirds and simplicity and the came out great. Number 5 and number 2, 7, 10 where the ones that had the the rules of third or simplicity in the picture.

Friday, November 12, 2010

photo manipulation and ethics

this photo could mean life and death because they did not want eney one to find out about this in some cases the photographer has to be very carefull what they do and when they take a picture.

I think this picture is acceptable they have to revele the truth.
and they do that by taking photos that there not supose to take.

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
1. This story is about april fools day in Israel.
2. The person that made it used Adobe Photoshop.
3. The photographer Adnan Hajj took and put two pictures digitally-manipulated image.
4. In the same photography Issam Kobeisi  submitted two pictures also of a woman in front of a house.

B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable.
I think its acceptable because the quality and the picture looks more clear and you can see what the picture has and who the person is in the picture.

2. well I think thats messed up how they changed the color of the man darker and I basicly dont have word to say about this picture just to make a point.

I dont think they should have changed this picture because the new one they made was okay but the ladies teeth are messy but the other picture is perfect which is good in a way but its still messed up that they did that.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drug cartels in mexico

every body should know about this topic the reason why is because there is so much violance in mexico that every resident that lives there is scared for thier lives and that even the police have to put on a mask there fore know one knows who they are its up to the point that every day and i quote the there are 10 dead bodys next day and the next day 10 dead bodys.

one part of the video was when there was blood on the car and that girl the he talk about that was the most powerful picture because it shows that people are suffering in mexico every day.

Friday, November 5, 2010

making a black and white print

  • Processing sinks with hot and cold running water (a single faucet is advisable)
  • Tanks for roll-film processing
  • Timers
  • Thermometers for processing tanks
  • Film clips or a drying cabinet
  • Graduates
  • Negative envelopes or sleeves
  • Sponges
  • Film squeegees
  • Scissors
  • Chemicals
  • Graduates
  • Storage bottles
  • Funnels
  • Rubber gloves
  • Stirring rods
well the first thing to do is put goggles on before doing eneything.then the primary chemicals are developer, which causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light, and fixer, which removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion. A chemical used to completely stop the development process is called stop bath, and is used between the developer stage and the fixer stage in both b&w film & paper processing. after all this processe then you can put it in the drying rack.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

amenrican soldier

 What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?
for me would be him leaving to go to the army and going to Iraq.

What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
when he was hiding in the bush that a scary moment for eney one .

How do the images work together to tell a story
 well it shows the process of a young man trasform in to a soldier.

How do these other features enhance the photographs?
the video helps the photographer because it show the story and what they went throw.

In what ways are videos better than photographs
well in  my oppinion i think the photographs are better than the vidoe i dont know why that my oppinion.

post shoot reflection

1 the first challenge that i had to go throw would be finding people doing work and we basicly walked throw the entire school to fiind people doing work and also just finding students in class.

2 one of the aspect that i use would be focus thats the one i mostly was thinking about inorder to take a picture.

3 well I took in consideration the rule of thirds and simplisity those are the ones i used the most when i went to go and shoot.

processing black and white photos

List of material and chemicals
  • black and white film that has been exposed;
  • complete darkness;
  • a dry counter top;
  • a bottle cap opener to open the 35 mm film cartridge;
  • scissors;
  • a film developing tank;
  • reels that fit into the tank (one per roll of film);
  • film processing chemicals - developer and fixer;
  • optional chemicals (recommended) - stop bath, hypo clearing agent and wetting agent;
  • a container in which chemicals can be mixed;
  • a stirring rod to mix chemicals;
  • a graduated beaker for measuring amounts of chemicals;
  • chemical storage bottles;
  • a darkroom thermometer;
  • a timer (a stopwatch will do);
  • a funnel;
  • running water that can be maintained at a constant temperature;
  • a washing hose;
  • a sponge squeegee to remove water from the film (not essential, but helpful);
  • clips for hanging negatives; and
  • a dust-free location to hang the film to dry
what you have to do is go in the darkroom and take out the film and well first is to put on the gogles and then you can do what you have to do . so now you need a timer there for you can keep of time of your film when it goes in the chemical and after all that is done then you can let it dry then your done

Thursday, October 28, 2010

what the pros ore doing repetition

Indian patient Prahlad Jani claims he has survived without food and water for more than seven decades. A multidisciplinary study is being led by Defense Institute of Physiology & Allied
In Search of Proof
Indian patient Prahlad Jani claims he has survived without food and water for more than seven decades. A multidisciplinary study is being led by Defense Institute of Physiology & Allied Science (DIPAS) neurologist Sudhir Shah to examine the man, believed to be in his 80s, and the claim he has maintained a hunger strike, without water, for several decades.

Ancient Lights

The 3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II's coronation.

Ancient Lights
The 3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II's coronation.

Firefighters work to stop a wildfire from spreading in the Ryazan region of Russia.
Wall of Fire
Firefighters work to stop a wildfire from spreading in the Ryazan region of Russia.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Marlboro marine

A. it showed the procese of his life coming back from the war and what he had to go throw.

B. The effect was that he was traumatized of everything he saw when he was in Iraq.

A. the most powerful image was seeing all the dead bodys.

B.when he was in the war and that i know that being in war is a very blooding thing to see.

C.well it wasent as powerful as you think ya it had its moments but it wasent great.

D.It works because it shows what happen in Iraq and what he went throw when he came back the slideshows help alot .

Funny captions is taking a walk with her ducklings throw the town in a nice sunny day.thinking that everything is alright she walks throw the grate like nothing but that does not go the same as for her little ducklings.At first there with her and next their gone only one survived and that was a day on the town.

Angry baby.
this is bob and he got mad because some one farted.look at him it he looks like if he is going slap someone.

what is she on does she not know that look really gheto and stupid on her she need a reality check. look how happy she is oh and can she or what.

Monday, October 11, 2010

contest preview show and tell

PIEA photo contest

This picture is so powerful because its shows alot of detail and imagination in this photo is out of this world showing the he does not care about his birth day like he knows he is going to die soon.
I also like he has no emotion of whats going on and birthday cake is like the fire is like space like a star exploded all those colors makes the picture come alive.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great B&W part 3

Alvin Langdon

this picture to me is beautiful for a good reason its dark and cold.
I see darkness and city and the lights the cars and the mist in the air.
I smell the mist in air and resterants cooking and cars you smell the moder running.
I hear people honking there horns the plains flying in the sky.
I taste the cold air in my mouth and my lips dry because of the cold air.
I feel the mist in the air and cold air in the middle of the night.

I see the brige and the river and dark grey skys.
I smell winter and that cold air I smell the river and the city.
I hear the city and boats a and the cars honking throw the city and birds singing throw the day.
I taste the cold air in my mouth and fresh air and freedom.
I feel the cold air touching my skin making making me shiver.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

academics preview

The story

this picture is the best one out of the all the other pictures it shows framing and thats what makes it such a good picture. and it looks like if there in a bridge and there looking down.
Action and emotion
action and emotion is exactly what this picture has and as you can see the band is playing show there true love for music. emotion because there putting there heart and sole to that stage.

filling the frame
this picture is very interesting because it shows you so much detail and action of whats going on . as you can see he is painting and there are other painting as well so there is alot activity in this picture.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Iraq slide show

the rule that applys to this picture would be framing the reason why is that its close to the subject and it simple. you can see and the details in this picture showing that death is in the room. the photographer did an excellent job on this picture  showing that this man got shot in the back.

the reason why i choose this picture was that its simple and shows the horror of what going on in Iraq showing that humans dont care about living thing and think war is the answer to me going to war is be disrespectful to life. this reminds of war world 2 seeing dead body in that condition its not pritty.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hurricane IKE

Hurricane Ikethis picture in the category of framing because the objects and back ground  just every thing is perfect for framing except for the road.
hurricane ike natural disaster texas
Lines is what this picture has the waves the wall and the smoke is also a line in this picture showing the damage to the house also the flooding . All the houses are destoryed because of the wave and the hurricane.

Advanced photo composition

Rule of thirds

balancing elements

leading lines

symmetry and patterns



create depth



mergers and avoiding them

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Great B&W part 2

Alvin langdon
This picture i like how its  in the middle of  the night and that how it just rain and fog is in the back ground and how there is still cars driving throw the night i dont know if it new york or something or chicago.
Something i like about this picture is that its in the dark showing how mysterious it is to be walking in the middle of the dark like you never know what might happen and I also like how the photographer took the picture on the side walk showing the cars,and the lights of the city in the background and the lihgt post.