Wednesday, November 3, 2010

processing black and white photos

List of material and chemicals
  • black and white film that has been exposed;
  • complete darkness;
  • a dry counter top;
  • a bottle cap opener to open the 35 mm film cartridge;
  • scissors;
  • a film developing tank;
  • reels that fit into the tank (one per roll of film);
  • film processing chemicals - developer and fixer;
  • optional chemicals (recommended) - stop bath, hypo clearing agent and wetting agent;
  • a container in which chemicals can be mixed;
  • a stirring rod to mix chemicals;
  • a graduated beaker for measuring amounts of chemicals;
  • chemical storage bottles;
  • a darkroom thermometer;
  • a timer (a stopwatch will do);
  • a funnel;
  • running water that can be maintained at a constant temperature;
  • a washing hose;
  • a sponge squeegee to remove water from the film (not essential, but helpful);
  • clips for hanging negatives; and
  • a dust-free location to hang the film to dry
what you have to do is go in the darkroom and take out the film and well first is to put on the gogles and then you can do what you have to do . so now you need a timer there for you can keep of time of your film when it goes in the chemical and after all that is done then you can let it dry then your done

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