Friday, May 27, 2011

Architectural 5 buildings


Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)
It was designed by Frank Gehry and built by the company Ferrovial. Built in 1997, the museum is located in Bilbao, Spain. Since its a museum, it is opened for the public. It was built simply just to be a work of art in itself as well as a museum.
The UFO House (Sanjhih, Taiwan)
It is unknown who designed these unique hotel rooms. Construction began in 1978 but was stopped in 1980 because the owner went bankrupt. They are located in the Sanzhi District in New Taipei City in Taiwan. M.
The Stone House ( Guimaraes, Portugal)
No one knows who built this place or when it was built. It's located in the Fafe mountains is Guimaraes, Portugal. Anyone can visit this place too.
The Atomium (Brussels, Belgium)
The idea of the building came from Andre Waterkeyn but the spheres were thought up by Andre and Jean Polak. It was built in 1958 for the Worlds Fair.
Burj Al Arab ( Dubai)
Tom Wright is the architect. Construction began on it in 1994. It's located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It's a hotel, so anyone can visit it. It is the second tallest hotel in the world

News leeds

Human Interest-

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

architecture photos





practice captions

black girl taking a picture during a football game.

brandon watsin is about to make freethrow in the final seconds
the backgro

In art class big guy with the wierd beered is focused in his art work.the girl right next to him is texting
the rule of third

a person is wearing a specail type of glove  for the owl to sit and chill on his or hers hand.
rule of third since the owl is on the uper right corner

spring blue open



Monday, May 9, 2011

action shoot

jonadab galindo is blocking a large orange ball.At Akins high school tennis court.
A freshmen is running across the tennis court because I told him to.As you can tell he is not running as fast as he can becase he is hungry .
dez for some dum ass reason has his hand in his pants as his friends are doing nothing as always
later that day dez found out that he has a infection.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Architectural preview

DETAILSThis shows details because its a close up picture of a giant clock.

Light shines through the window

The surroundings of this mosque give you an idea that this is in the middle east.

Angles and Shapes
The shapes in this building are abstractThey aren't rectangles or squares but are random


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Akins freshmen ian loyd is playing and making his goat run to get some exercise. at the same time he is looking at his goats ass. during school
lines merger

Friday, April 8, 2011


a.     What kind of camera did he use?
(He uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
Brandt does not use telephoto lenses because he believes that being close to the animals make a huge difference in his ability to reveal their personality. He writes: "You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close.This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

basic news questions

who? president Obama
what? obama launching his re elecetion
when? 2012
where? united states
why? to get re elected
how? raising money for his re election

Friday, March 25, 2011

Interviewing skills

1 so The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms what do you think about that?
2 what would you do if this happened?
3if you got to choose the color of the uniform what would it be?
4 what should be the uniform?
5do you hate uniforms?
6why shouldn't there be uniforms?
7would you rebel agianst the uniforms?
8 should the school rebel as well?
9do you think the uniform would be europien style?
10do you think uniforms are gay?
11would you go and say something to the district?
12what jeans do you think they would let use wear?
13what type of shirts?
14what colors to wear and not to wear?
15should we wear costums?
16do you think they would change our hair styles as well?
17what shoes?
18so how you doing?
19 are you hungry?
20 what to dance?

1who do you think should be the student of the month. Me a hard working student
2 should it be you ? it depends
3or me? maybe you
4maybe your best friend? ya some dum friends
5do you like me I think I should be the student of the month honeybear? it could be if you work hard
6so who would it be? some one with strate As
7if you choose me al give you 10 dollars how about that? no not all very little money how about  a little more.
8who diserves the student of the month? any one who work hard
9someone cool? maybe
10 or lame? maybe not
11 I still think I should be the student of the month look at
12do you have someone in mind?yes i know her
13is it your boyfriend or girlfriend.? yes
14what should that person do to get the student of the month? I dont know maybe get strate As and works hard
15does that person go here ? yes yes she does
16do you like pandas? I have no idea
17what did that person do to diserve the student of the month? i have no idea
18what is that person like? she great
19what his or hers favorite color?i dont know
20does he or she like pandas? yes

what grade are you in?
what do you do in your spear time?
do you like being the student of the mouth? why?or why not?
what do you get for being the student of the mouth?
whats your name?
what inspyer you to be the student of the mouth?

titled Sports/Action more details

1. - Alyssa Schukar

Genera - I think that this video was made to show love or pain, because the judges were talking about how there wasn't really any love or pain shown on the pictures.

  thought that the pictures were of a certain distance, they don't feel the love of the pain in none of the pictures, and there wasn't enough strong single pictures
 They liked the kids in the stair way, and the girl that fell over the hurdles.
 I personally didn't like how the video was set up. I think that they could of taken better pictures for this because it is kind of confusing to understand what the video is really about.

2. They judges liked all of the pictures, they had very good comments about the pictures and I also think that the guy did a good job with this portfolio.
 He was really creative with his pictures and made them look really nice, but he also had a couple pictures that looked alike.

3. . The judges took a look at all of the pictures in each of the portfolios, they talked about each of their weaknesses and the strenghts that they had after talking it over they decided on who the winner was.

Monday, March 21, 2011

japaneses earthquake

It so damatic because the tsunami is coming and know one can do eneything about it
that happen out of know were so many people died as you can see the tsunami distroyed every thing one big wave.

What makes it dramatic, is that the guy on the left is all worried and crying for maybe a love on stuck under the car.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

touching people

1. this is a intresting project what this photographer does is making people having relationship with other people.

2. If someone with a camera asked me to do a photo similar to this one, i would say yes just because i can, and it would be an interesting story.
 3. Another unusual photo shoot to do similar to this one would be to go and ask people to do handstands and take pictures of it.
4. I think he did prity good with the back ground

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

cool advertising ideas

The Creative AT&T Advertisements

No because just because they can do some wierd stuff with there hand does not make me want to buy a phone.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



for some reason it wont let me get the picture it say the server is not working or something .

Monday, February 14, 2011

elements of year book and notes

table contents
page number
studentl life

cover seprite piece
I see one word
the theme is impact
1st page you see
on the back its blank
the second page you see pictures that distibe the word and the page numbers
Spred is two that work side by side that work together.
one big picture and on the picture it says impressions and on the right
divider page is ment to divide the section apart
4 sections action, activate, impulse, impress
I see colophon acknowledments maverick awards
moment of 2005 index teen and ramdom pictures

Monday, January 31, 2011

cover types

1. Early magazine covers

2. the poster cover
very few words the photo is the most dominite piece.
it better be a really cool photo or someone everyone knows
disadvantages it could be boaring you better pick a really good picture married to type
words dont cover the most important part of the photo
the word relate on what of the cover and they tell us what we should see in the magazine
disadvantages it may not visionly appealing to the a
4. in the forest of words
lots and lots of words organize in headline and sub headline. the headline are all different size and colors
the picture is not the most important element
multiple points of entry
disadvantages it take away from the photo behind it
stuff that sould be on magazine covers
title,picture, date, price.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

portrait tips

- Use props! Are you a dad and a rocker? Bring your kid and your guitar. Are you a photographer? Add camera gear. Painter? Paint. Poet? Words. Make-up artist? Guess… You get the idea.
2. - If you can, hook up your camera directly to your computer (or, for extra-fancy bonus points, your TV) so you can see your pictures come up as you take ‘em. It’s a lot easier to iterate and to make gradual improvements to your photos that way.
3. - Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.

 I like this environmental portrait because of the balance created by the birds in the background. It also has a really cool background with the mountains.
This is a good environmental portrait because the lighting is cool and the sky looks amazing.

 I really like this self portrait because the effect the photographer used to make it look like hes a ghost or something.
In this picture, i like the technique that the photographer used and reminds me of that self portrait that M.C.  Escher drew of his reflection on the mirror-like ball. 

 This is a good portrait of this guy because obviously he likes donuts and hes in a picture with what he loves.
This here is good portrait of Grant Hill because he's got the city behind him

In my portrait, i plan on getting a cool shot of me and my guitar. I don't know who I'll shoot or who will shoot me but i know what i want my portrait to be of

Friday, January 21, 2011

magazine cover

5 Things to keep in mind1. Arousing Curiosity (To pull the reader in)
2. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
3. Familiar recognition from issue to issue (that’s the brand)
4. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
5. Worth the investment of money and time (that’s the “What’s in it for me?”)

best covers

Friday, January 14, 2011

Best Covers

#1, John & Yoko, Rolling Stone,   Formal
#2, Demi Moore, Vanity Fair,   Formal
#9, Harpers Bazaar,   Formal
#10, National Geographic,    Informal
FAVORITE  #13, Astronaut, TIME,    Invironmental, 
LIFE magazine cover#13 LIFE Special Edition (1969)
This LIFE special edition To the Moon and Back chronicles the first moon landing, brought about by the courage of the Apollo 11 astronauts and the thousands of people who supported their mission. On the magazine cover is a picture of Buzz Aldrin, taken by fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong. Along with color photographs of this historic walk on the moon, there are biographical sketches of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

This Environmental Portrait of Buzz Aldrin is a good photograph because it was taken on the moon. Also its cool because of the reflection of Neil Armstrong.

#15, Harpers Bazaar,    Formal
#19, Bill Clinton, Esquire,   Formal
#22, Cindy Crawford, George Magazine,   Formal
#24, Interview Magazine,   Informal
#26, Mia Farrow, People,    Formal
#27, Dixie Chicks, Entertainment Weekly,   Formal
#29, Playboy,    Environmental
#31, Bush/Gore, Newsweek,   Environmental
#32, Nicole Kidman, Vogue Magazine,   Formal
#35, New York Magazine,     Informal
#36, Princess Diana, People Magazine,     Formal
#37, Details Magazine,     Formal
#37, Glamour Magazine,    Formal
#37, Ellen DeGeneres, TIME,    Formal

Thursday, January 6, 2011

welcome back

this is just crazy it look like a huricane but is a storm it just a great picture of 2010.its one of my favorite photos its just so beatiful how nature does its thing .

this is one of  the most best pictures of 2010 because it looks like something out of a movive like its not real but it is not only that but the view of the city and the lightning its incretible.
this man look like he is walking on water is on flames like a  god I just think this picture is a crazy picture of 2010
1. What was the best song of 2010?
kanye west

the reason is that he kanye he knows what he is doing and he doing a great job and the way he express him self is very different from every one.
. What was the best movie of 2010

the movie is crazy thats way its was the best movie of the year.
What was the most important news story of the year?
Earthquake in haiti
well I went to New york for the holidays I was there for 2 weeks and I got see snow and alot of it about  29 inchs of snow and I got see most of the city so I fun.

 What are your resolutions for the 2011 year?
 to become a better person live life as much as I can.
. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
I really dont know what I am looking forward will see what happens.