Monday, November 22, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

1 Face made more symmetrical, eyes expanded, More narrow chin, eyes lowered, acne/skin imperfections made smooth.
2No it isn't acceptable

3 If they were to manipulate a political figure to make them appear differently

4 Cropping, Scenarios and Comparisons

5 Fashion Photography would be to get shots of a 'model' figure for how people should look. Photojournalism is capturing shots of events, or certain things.
6 Photojournalism captures real things, which keeps the standard in ethical practice. Fashion photography is used to catch the eye of casual people in order to support their product.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Negatives evaluation

1 mostly all of them but one did not come out as well as the others.

2 just one did no come out good I think it did not come out as well as i thought it would i didn't take my time on that picture that why its blurry.

3 number 5 because the picture is simple and has great focus on the student its one of the best pictures out all of them.

4 focus is what I used the most  and it does help most of my pictures are focus because you can see what they are doing and you can see the detail in the picture.

5 the techniques that I used on my pictures where the rule of thirds and simplicity and the came out great. Number 5 and number 2, 7, 10 where the ones that had the the rules of third or simplicity in the picture.

Friday, November 12, 2010

photo manipulation and ethics

this photo could mean life and death because they did not want eney one to find out about this in some cases the photographer has to be very carefull what they do and when they take a picture.

I think this picture is acceptable they have to revele the truth.
and they do that by taking photos that there not supose to take.

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
1. This story is about april fools day in Israel.
2. The person that made it used Adobe Photoshop.
3. The photographer Adnan Hajj took and put two pictures digitally-manipulated image.
4. In the same photography Issam Kobeisi  submitted two pictures also of a woman in front of a house.

B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable.
I think its acceptable because the quality and the picture looks more clear and you can see what the picture has and who the person is in the picture.

2. well I think thats messed up how they changed the color of the man darker and I basicly dont have word to say about this picture just to make a point.

I dont think they should have changed this picture because the new one they made was okay but the ladies teeth are messy but the other picture is perfect which is good in a way but its still messed up that they did that.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drug cartels in mexico

every body should know about this topic the reason why is because there is so much violance in mexico that every resident that lives there is scared for thier lives and that even the police have to put on a mask there fore know one knows who they are its up to the point that every day and i quote the there are 10 dead bodys next day and the next day 10 dead bodys.

one part of the video was when there was blood on the car and that girl the he talk about that was the most powerful picture because it shows that people are suffering in mexico every day.

Friday, November 5, 2010

making a black and white print

  • Processing sinks with hot and cold running water (a single faucet is advisable)
  • Tanks for roll-film processing
  • Timers
  • Thermometers for processing tanks
  • Film clips or a drying cabinet
  • Graduates
  • Negative envelopes or sleeves
  • Sponges
  • Film squeegees
  • Scissors
  • Chemicals
  • Graduates
  • Storage bottles
  • Funnels
  • Rubber gloves
  • Stirring rods
well the first thing to do is put goggles on before doing eneything.then the primary chemicals are developer, which causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light, and fixer, which removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion. A chemical used to completely stop the development process is called stop bath, and is used between the developer stage and the fixer stage in both b&w film & paper processing. after all this processe then you can put it in the drying rack.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

amenrican soldier

 What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?
for me would be him leaving to go to the army and going to Iraq.

What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
when he was hiding in the bush that a scary moment for eney one .

How do the images work together to tell a story
 well it shows the process of a young man trasform in to a soldier.

How do these other features enhance the photographs?
the video helps the photographer because it show the story and what they went throw.

In what ways are videos better than photographs
well in  my oppinion i think the photographs are better than the vidoe i dont know why that my oppinion.

post shoot reflection

1 the first challenge that i had to go throw would be finding people doing work and we basicly walked throw the entire school to fiind people doing work and also just finding students in class.

2 one of the aspect that i use would be focus thats the one i mostly was thinking about inorder to take a picture.

3 well I took in consideration the rule of thirds and simplisity those are the ones i used the most when i went to go and shoot.

processing black and white photos

List of material and chemicals
  • black and white film that has been exposed;
  • complete darkness;
  • a dry counter top;
  • a bottle cap opener to open the 35 mm film cartridge;
  • scissors;
  • a film developing tank;
  • reels that fit into the tank (one per roll of film);
  • film processing chemicals - developer and fixer;
  • optional chemicals (recommended) - stop bath, hypo clearing agent and wetting agent;
  • a container in which chemicals can be mixed;
  • a stirring rod to mix chemicals;
  • a graduated beaker for measuring amounts of chemicals;
  • chemical storage bottles;
  • a darkroom thermometer;
  • a timer (a stopwatch will do);
  • a funnel;
  • running water that can be maintained at a constant temperature;
  • a washing hose;
  • a sponge squeegee to remove water from the film (not essential, but helpful);
  • clips for hanging negatives; and
  • a dust-free location to hang the film to dry
what you have to do is go in the darkroom and take out the film and well first is to put on the gogles and then you can do what you have to do . so now you need a timer there for you can keep of time of your film when it goes in the chemical and after all that is done then you can let it dry then your done