Friday, March 25, 2011

Interviewing skills

1 so The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms what do you think about that?
2 what would you do if this happened?
3if you got to choose the color of the uniform what would it be?
4 what should be the uniform?
5do you hate uniforms?
6why shouldn't there be uniforms?
7would you rebel agianst the uniforms?
8 should the school rebel as well?
9do you think the uniform would be europien style?
10do you think uniforms are gay?
11would you go and say something to the district?
12what jeans do you think they would let use wear?
13what type of shirts?
14what colors to wear and not to wear?
15should we wear costums?
16do you think they would change our hair styles as well?
17what shoes?
18so how you doing?
19 are you hungry?
20 what to dance?

1who do you think should be the student of the month. Me a hard working student
2 should it be you ? it depends
3or me? maybe you
4maybe your best friend? ya some dum friends
5do you like me I think I should be the student of the month honeybear? it could be if you work hard
6so who would it be? some one with strate As
7if you choose me al give you 10 dollars how about that? no not all very little money how about  a little more.
8who diserves the student of the month? any one who work hard
9someone cool? maybe
10 or lame? maybe not
11 I still think I should be the student of the month look at
12do you have someone in mind?yes i know her
13is it your boyfriend or girlfriend.? yes
14what should that person do to get the student of the month? I dont know maybe get strate As and works hard
15does that person go here ? yes yes she does
16do you like pandas? I have no idea
17what did that person do to diserve the student of the month? i have no idea
18what is that person like? she great
19what his or hers favorite color?i dont know
20does he or she like pandas? yes

what grade are you in?
what do you do in your spear time?
do you like being the student of the mouth? why?or why not?
what do you get for being the student of the mouth?
whats your name?
what inspyer you to be the student of the mouth?

titled Sports/Action more details

1. - Alyssa Schukar

Genera - I think that this video was made to show love or pain, because the judges were talking about how there wasn't really any love or pain shown on the pictures.

  thought that the pictures were of a certain distance, they don't feel the love of the pain in none of the pictures, and there wasn't enough strong single pictures
 They liked the kids in the stair way, and the girl that fell over the hurdles.
 I personally didn't like how the video was set up. I think that they could of taken better pictures for this because it is kind of confusing to understand what the video is really about.

2. They judges liked all of the pictures, they had very good comments about the pictures and I also think that the guy did a good job with this portfolio.
 He was really creative with his pictures and made them look really nice, but he also had a couple pictures that looked alike.

3. . The judges took a look at all of the pictures in each of the portfolios, they talked about each of their weaknesses and the strenghts that they had after talking it over they decided on who the winner was.

Monday, March 21, 2011

japaneses earthquake

It so damatic because the tsunami is coming and know one can do eneything about it
that happen out of know were so many people died as you can see the tsunami distroyed every thing one big wave.

What makes it dramatic, is that the guy on the left is all worried and crying for maybe a love on stuck under the car.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

touching people

1. this is a intresting project what this photographer does is making people having relationship with other people.

2. If someone with a camera asked me to do a photo similar to this one, i would say yes just because i can, and it would be an interesting story.
 3. Another unusual photo shoot to do similar to this one would be to go and ask people to do handstands and take pictures of it.
4. I think he did prity good with the back ground

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

cool advertising ideas

The Creative AT&T Advertisements

No because just because they can do some wierd stuff with there hand does not make me want to buy a phone.